Jack's the lad
25th March 2013
Over 50 Mark Masons were present at Garnett Mark Lodge to witness Jack Craig being installed as Master by Norman Mitchell. Representative Glyn Jackson Davies echoed the thoughts of the many guests when he complimented all who had taken part in such an excellent ceremony.
Amongst those taking part were Peter Mason who presented the Keystone Jewel and Dav Morrow who gave an excellent explanation of the working tools. The address to the WM was delivered by John Heaton, that to the Wardens by Nigel Parish and to the Overseers by Bob Palmer.
Right: Glyn Jackson Davies, Jack Craig, Norman Mitchell
Below Left: Bob Palmer, Peter Mason, Dav Morrow, Nigel Parrish
Below Right: Doug Willoughby with Mike Walling in the middle both enjoying some well earned refreshments,
on the right is Brian Davey, well just enjoying himself!
The evening and ceremony had been prepared and overseen by DC Mike Walling and Secretary Doug Willoughby who had each obviously put in a considerable amount of work to make it such a success.
During the ceremony Glyn was presented with a cheque for £300 in favour of the Mark Charity. The raffle at the banquet raised £230 for charity.

Article and photographs courtesy of Dave Sear